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Optical Cable passed away AAAA level standard of good conduct business review


August 26, 2015, the Guangdong Provincial Institute of Standardization and Quality and Technical Supervision Qingyuan City-member panel composed of six class standard of good conduct for the AAAA beam cable system review. After review, the Panel unanimously found that beam cable through the review.

Beam cable active in standardization activities since November 2011, under the guidance of Quality and Technical Supervision care Qingyuan city leaders and experts in Qingyuan City Association for Standardization, in August 23, 2012 for the first time adopted a standard of good conduct business AAAA confirm .

The past three years, by far the optical cable to carry out standardization activities, improve product and service quality management, increase their competitive advantage, promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries play an important role in promoting. Began in November 2014, chaired by the general manager Zhong water rights, the whole group of companies to re-standardization team members, mobilize and organize the department heads in January 2015 for the company's original standard system for the investigation of new, revised and improved. Expiring on January 31, 2015, total system standards 670, including: technical standard 423, management standards 176, work standards 71; national, industry, local standards of 397, the enterprise standard 273; check the new national standard, line 69 standard and local standards. Through the standard system revision, improvement, prompting the company's corporate standards system more scientific, reasonable and effective. January 5, 2015 issued by the General Manager Zhong water rights issued "enterprise standard system release order" and called for revision of the company's new corporate standards formally implemented since 25 January 2015. February 1, 2015, the company officially launched the implementation of a standard system.2015-09-