

Fengyubugai, love unbounded - "Walk thousands of villages, listening voice of the people" take the grassroots Lansi Yangshan love row


September 1, 2015, by the beam Group, Hang park land, far-cable full support "walking thousands of villages, listening voice of the people" grassroots welfare assistance activities Lansi away into the township visit fourth leg - Yangshan County, this the event combined "Dream · combustion life" thalassemia prevention and control campaigns, has been the strong support of Yangshan county government and local enterprises million passengers sinks love shopping plaza.

Although the day the scene under heavy rain, but it could not withstand the selfless love for philanthropy

The active site of Yangshan County from poor families and children left behind at the scene representatives of the substance ceremony ceremony started, the team divided the public interest, a group of public service site, another group of deep rocky, Yangshan, the Anglo-German countryside on June 17 launch aid children left behind in a return visit again, while other towns need help needy families conducted field visits to understand the situation.

Lansi take grass-roots charity to give the local people love to bring real help and convenience, nature has been the strong support of the local people and support!

After the launching ceremony, the team came to Yangshan County Public Water Town water fish pieces village, for the village's most needy households conducted on-site visits and material assistance

At the end of the Water Town water fish piece visits the village poor households, public team came fresh area large Los Shitan Town Primary School, on June 17 launch aid children left behind again visit, concerned about their learning and life, and to they sent a student fund
The children of people moving letter of thanks

At the end of primary school children left behind large Luo visit, welfare team Chenzheyese starting again, came to the village Huanghua Town Yingde City, for poor families girl Chenqiu Li conducted a site visit and understanding of the situation (the good news is that in Qingyuan City grant funds and monarchs of voluntary associations "to help plan the next fishing has been for her in Yingde City, we found a steady job, I hope she can further down the road later in life smooth)

Public interest is a light to illuminate you and me!
The "go Thousand Villages, listening voice of the people" take the grassroots Lansi love line activities Yangshan Yangshan county government has been the strong support and assistance, Qingyuan City monarchs Volunteers Association, Qingyuan City Rural Commercial Bank QING fund, Qingyuan City beauty myth hair salon, Qingyuan City, China Kang Hospital love together participated in this charity, and the success of this activity has provided technical support to obtain the Yangshan County, the people unanimously affirmed and recognized! September 10, "walking Thousand Villages, listening voice of the people" take the grass-roots public love Lansi activities will enter the fifth stop Wo cloud town, continue to spread social welfare positive energy!

We are convinced that as long as everyone gave a love, the world will become a better human!
"Go Thousand Villages, listening grassroots voice of the people to take away welfare assistance activities Lansi" I look forward to your joining!
The event Donations point Constant park land permanent marketing center!
Donations Hotline:0763-5836666